Fitness Clubs

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Holmes Place offer for dues-paying members of the Staff Union

Free trial, reduced monthly rate, reduced joining fee, offer also valid for relatives

Offer valid until 30 September 2024

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Exclusive offer for dues-paying members of the Staff Union

Conditions apply also to your partner

Offer valid until 31 December 2024


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Manhattan Fitness Offer

Initial fitness check-up, individual training plan and one-to-one training session, towel service, optional parking lot, 8 000 m² air-conditioned area for fitness, aerobics, squash and wellness, valid in both Manhattan Clubs

Conditions also apply to partner

Offer valid to 31 October 2024

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Exclusive offer for dues-paying members of the Staff Union! 

Conditions apply also to your partner!

Offer valid until 31 December 2024

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact ( or  Penthouse Sports studio manager, Kim Cumes (

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Exclusive offer for dues-paying members of the Staff Union

Conditions apply also to your partner

Offer valid until 31 December 2024

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact ( or Penthouse Sports studio manager Kim Cumes (

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Exclusive offer for dues-paying members of the Staff Union

Offer valid until 31 December 2023