Staff Union’s Role in the Secretariat

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Our Union is a member of the Staff-Management Committee (SMC), which is the highest level deliberation and negotiation body between staff unions and associations, and management in the UN Secretariat.

The SMC identifies, examines and resolves Secretariat-wide issues relating to staff welfare, including conditions of work, general conditions of life and other human resources policies. Its 18 members interact regularly through virtual meetings and physically at least once a year for direct negotiations.

Management representatives consist of the Under-Secretary-General for Management, the Assistant Secretary-General for Human Resources Management and seven members at an appropriately high level, with due regard for representation from the various duty stations.

We discuss, negotiate, and review all changes to policies that affect staff, within the limits established by the General Assembly Resolutions. Changes to policies may be suggested by both management as well as staff. Also, the UN staff unions must be consulted on any changes to the Staff Rules and Regulations.

Our Union is taking a strong and pro-active role in the SMC. The former President of our Staff Union, and since January 2023 our new President, have been serving as a member of the Steering Group (the “3x3 Contact Group”) since April 2019. This Group, comprised of three representatives from management and three representatives from staff, coordinates the work of the SMC, closely together with the SMC President, Vice-President, and Secretary.

Representatives from our Union actively participate in SMC working groups. Currently they serve on the working group on staff selection and mobility and the working group on the administration of justice.

The SMC XII meeting was held in Nicosia, Cyprus from 15 to 22 April 2024. Our Union submitted papers on the following topics: Approaches to abrasive managerial behaviours in the workplace; flexible working arrangements and the use of discretion; learning and training - efficiency, fairness, and value; fair and equitable reporting lines and correct organigrams; the flag code and international civil service; and legal support for the staff side of the SMC.

Upon approval by the Secretary-General, the SMC report will be published on iSeek.