Polling Officers

The Polling Officers are solely responsible for Staff Union electoral issues and referendums. This includes establishing electoral procedures; organizing, conducting and monitoring elections and by-elections; and publishing results.

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They are operationally independent and have the sole authority with regard to electoral procedures, in full compliance with the Statutes and Regulations of the UNOV/UNODC Staff Union.

The Polling Officers are independent and as such shall not receive instructions or advice from the Staff Council or from anyone else.

Any member of the Staff Union, with the exception of members of the Staff Council and the Arbitration Pool, is eligible for election to the Office of Polling Officer.

New Polling Officers for the term October 2022 to October 2026

Mohammad Naser ALI 

Polling Officers can be contacted at: unvienna-staffunionpollingofficers@un.org 

Upcoming election and polling information

  • Election to the Second Session of the Staff Council - spring 2025