The UN Secretariat has approved the adjustment to salaries of GS staff in Vienna, effective 1 November 2024, which incorporates the movement of the applicable index for the purposes of adjusting salaries in-between comprehensive salary surveys.
The new salary scale reflects an across-the board increase in net salaries of 3.1 %. All allowances remain the same. The retroactive implementation of the revised salary scale will be reflected in the January 2025 payroll.
The Council and your representatives on the Local Salary Survey Committee continue monitoring the situation.
If you want to know more about the GS salaries, you can visit the website for local salary scales and related information, launched by the Office of Human Resources.
It includes all the currently applicable salary scales, a searchable map of the world, a list of the latest salary scale announcements, the survey schedule with the status of pending surveys, a list of current special measures, and answers to frequently asked questions.