The Joint Advisory Committee (JAC) advises the Director-General/Executive Director on questions relating to human resources policies and staff welfare at Vienna.
The Committee further makes recommendations to the Director-General/Executive Director regarding the conditions of service and general conditions of life affecting staff at Vienna.
The Committee also serves as the appropriate forum to consider general administrative circulars on local staff matters before their issuance and can establish working groups to advise it on specific issues or on matters affecting a particular category or group of staff.
The Staff Union representatives on the JAC:
Members: | Alternates: |
Karin Esposito | Stefano Berterame |
Samar Haidar | Mohamad Mardini |
Valter Podgornik | Euridice Marquez |
Currently there is one JAC Working Group:
Joint UNIDO/UNOV JAC Standing Committee on Health and Life Insurance (SCHLI) makes recommendations on the conditions of and premiums for the UNIDO/UNOV Headquarters Medical Insurance Plan and Temporary Disability Insurance Plan.
Staff representatives serving on SCHLI:
Stefan Vukotic |
Vacant |